To Do well

"To do well"
is inseparable
from "to do good".
A well-done wine goes beyond applying the right methods. It incorporates the soul of the winegrower who strives to protect the environment and honors sacred Nature. It brings another dimension than the simple pleasure of tasting.
I made the choice to convert the estate to organic farming and began to integrate biodynamic practices with the aim of obtaining certification. My approach is holistic.

In terms of practices, our terroir is crossed by magnetic and electric fields that should be measured to assess the vitality of the soil. My job is to create the conditions for an environment favorable to life so that the vine is in full health and resists disease on its own.
Microbiological life is favored by the addition of organic matter and compost tea. The entire technical itinerary has been redesigned to avoid soil compaction. Plant based cover is preferred.
Treatments incorporate herbal preparations as much as possible.

Biodynamic is an inspiring approach to integrating cosmic energies in particular. As for telluric energies, I invite you to come and discover them on the plot!
The carbon balance was carried out in 2022. Even if many tasks are already manual, the objective is to progress from year to year. Some investigation is around soil carbon storage. Plots of wood have been classified to protect them from clearing, even in AOP Gigondas.
I want to deepen my approach. Viticulture is reinventing itself. Quantum biology opens exciting avenues.

A holistic CSR approach has been implemented to cover all environmental aspects (water, air, energy, biodiversity, etc.) from the arrival of the harvest to bottling.
In any decision, the choice of sustainable materials and equipment is favored. I invested in particular in stainless steel tanks which have a very long life expectancy, is recyclable and allows to limit the consumption of water for washing. Wood, a renewable material, is also favored for breeding.
The cellar was redesigned and renovated in 2021 to reorganize the flows and ensure gravity flow.
A low-carbon approach has been integrated, in particular to limit energy consumption. Natural ventilation has been put in place to avoid air conditioning. The insulation has also been improved thanks to ecological materials.
Beyond the limitation of the use of water, all the networks have been reconfigured to recover rainwater.

All of the packaging has been redesigned to incorporate eco-responsible materials: 100% recycled paper labels, no varnish, cork stopper with a negative carbon footprint, biodegradable PE caps, 100% recycled cardboard and spacers... but we still have a long way to go, especially on the glass bottles.
Many improvements are to come according to the economic development of the estate, such as the installation of solar panels and the treatment of effluents by a bed of reeds.
Right up to the bottle, the dry materials are carefully chosen and made from eco-responsible materials.